2023-2025 MARPSA Officers
Derick Thompson, President
Mac Slover, Vice President
Becky Kishter, Secretary
Bill Dowell, Treasurer​
Byron Thompson, Past President
For membership information, please email Derick Thompson, or Mac Slover.
Meeting Summary Notes
Current Members
City of Alexandria Recreation, Parks and Cultural Activities
Anne Arundel County Department of Recreation and Parks
Baltimore County Recreation and Parks
City of Baltimore Recreation and Parks
Carroll County Department of Recreation and Parks
Charles County Parks & Recreation
Frederick County Division of Parks and Recreation
City of Gaithersburg Parks, Recreation and Culture
Harford County Parks and Recreation
Howard County Department of Recreation and Parks
Kent County Parks & Recreation
Town of Ocean City Recreation & Parks
Prince George's County Department of Parks & Recreation
Prince William County Parks, Recreation, and Tourism
Queen Anne's County Recreation
City of Rockville Recreation & Parks Department
St. Mary's County Recreation and Parks
United States Specialty Sports Association-USSSA